Seed Variety

Perovskia Blue Steel

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Data is gathered from our Elburn, Ill., trials (Zone 5a) for a North American audience. Warm-climate growers: expect 1-2 weeks earlier finishing. Cool-climate growers: expect 1 week slower. Dates based on standard 288 plug size.

Notes/Pitfall Management
Seedlings may be susceptible to damping off. Treat as necessary. Pinch at transplant is beneficial. Use B9/Cycocel as necessary. Grow 'on the dry side'.
Week color desired
Sow week
Plug transplant week
Early Spring
(3 ppp)
Perovskia Bluesette is recommended for early Spring/Spring. Blue Steel will require high light and 68F ADT or higher for a Spring finish. More suitable for Southern growers.
Week color desired
Sow week
Plug transplant week
(3 ppp)
Week color desired
Sow week
Plug transplant week
(3 ppp)
Seed Form: RAW
PlugSize: 288
Seeds/Cell: 1
Plug Crop Weeks: 5-9
Days from 50% to maximum germination: 2-4
Cover Seed: RAW
Plug Production
Stage 1
Moisture: Level 4-5
Temperature: 65-72°F
Light: Optional
Stage 2
Moisture: Level 4
Temperature: 65-72°F
Light: 6-8 mol·m⁻²·d⁻¹
Fertilizer: 100 to 175 ppm N
(0.7 to 1.2 EC)
PGR: daminozide/2,500 ppm/Spray
Stage 3
Moisture: Level 3
Temperature: 64-68°F
Light: 6-8 mol·m⁻²·d⁻¹
Fertilizer: 175 to 225 ppm N
(1.2 to 1.5 EC)
PGR: daminozide/2,500 ppm/Spray
Stage 4
Moisture: Level 2
Temperature: 60-65°F
Light: 6-8 mol·m⁻²·d⁻¹
Fertilizer: 175 to 225 ppm N
(1.2 to 1.5 EC)
PGR: daminozide/2,500 ppm/Spray
Vernalization: No
Propagation Key Tips: Light Accumulator, Daylength Neutral.
For forcing info: See Perennials Forcing Guide.
2 to 3 seeds per cell for larger plugs (128 and up): see GrowerFacts. For plug size 180 and larger, pinch* plugs at 3 to 4 node pairs. 288 plugs are difficult to pinch, so pinch at 2 to 3 weeks after transplant. Plug lead time varies with season and plug size: see GrowerFacts. Spray fungicide against damping off, directly after sowing.
*For larger (2 gallon and up) containers, plugs do not need to be pinched during plug production or after transplant. Instead, use a stronger PGR, B-Nine at 5,000 ppm 1 or 2 applications at 2 to 3 weeks after transplant.
Growing on to Finish
Growing on Temperature: (day) 65-68°F (18-20°C)
(night) 57-66°F (14-19°C)
Target Media pH/EC (1:2): 5.8-6.2 pH
1.2-1.4 mmhos/cm
Fertilizer: 175 to 225 ppm N
(1.2 to 1.5 EC)
Daylength: Day Neutral
Daylength Notation: Light accumulator – higher light levels increase development and finish.
Fertilizer Notation: Blue Steel generally needs moderate fertilization. Use a balanced fertilizer at a rate of 150 to 200 ppm N as needed or constant liquid fertilizer at 75 to 100 ppm N with each irrigation. Increase potassium-to-nitrate ratio in later growing-on stage. Maintain media pH 5.8 to 6.2 and EC 1.2 to 1.5 mmhos/cm.
Finishing Key Tips: Needs an active growing climate with the highest possible light levels. Optimum is more than 15 mol per m² per day. Can grow in lower light levels, but increases crop time (see lead time per season). Do not start crop too early in cold nights and lower light levels, which will cause a delay. Best grown outside. Finish lead times for Northwest Europe: add 2 to 3 weeks to indicated lead times. Allow media to dry in between waterings. Avoid growing wet. Monitor EC in pot during active growth to avoid leaf yellowing (chlorosis). Gallon is the main size; recommend 3 ppp, planted in a triangle, for superior finished quality (compared to vegetative with 1 plant per pot). If plugs are not pinched, pinch 2 to 3 weeks after transplant, above 4 to 5 leaf node pairs. NOTE: Pinch not needed for larger (2 gallon and up) containers. Instead, use higher B-Nine concentration of 5,000 ppm for 1 to 2 applications in the first 2 to 3 weeks after transplant.